Welcome to Lineville First United Methodist Church!
Our mission is to be a Christ-centered, life-building church. We live this out through life-transforming worship, study, and hands-on service to others. With a strong belief in God’s grace and mercy, we strive to demonstrate that love to those in need and provide encouragement and strength for life’s challenges.
We are a traditional church with a contemporary touch. All are welcome all of the time! If you are looking for a place to call home then you have found it! We are more than a congregation, we are a faith family…
Our Programs: Sunday Services–
- Sunday School 9:45 am
- Worship 10:30 am-Nursery available
- Children’s Church-during regular worship times
Incredible Families– A unique support group for special people! Incredible Families meets once a month. This group is designed for special needs children and their families. There is fun and fellowship and field trips throughout the year!
United Methodist Women-All women are invited to come and share a time of devotion, laughter, and service. The UMW meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 6 pm. Come join and support women of faith around the world.
United Methodist Men-Our men meet the first Sunday of every month at 8 am and share devotion time and a great breakfast! They also seek service projects in our community.
Lineville First United Methodist Church
PO BOX 175 Lineville, Al 36266
60220 Highway 49 Lineville Al 36266